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Oh dear! Time time time bad bad timey time...here are some delayed illustrations and collages to accompany what I mentioned about nature and its occasionally destructive nature.
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keblahblah c'est kebarberra!

This is a painting I have completed.

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READ: Atlas of Shrinking Cities- Atlas der schumpfenden Stadte

Atlas of Shrinking Cities Atlas der schrumpfenden Stadte is a 2006 publication by HATJE CANTZ describing population growth in the 20th and 21st century. Its beautifully presented and an excellent example of good graphs. 

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Lost and Found II

My pal who works in a warehouse somewhere in distant suburbia found these in the bin and kindly gave them to me. They are very misprinted playing cards. Being misprints they are made of imagery we are familiar with but that its askew and wrong. The platonic shapes and the soldiers remind me of our project breif and with all the printing we have been doing we can learn from these and try not to be put off by errors.

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More Shapes

Some drawings I did that might be useful for logos, stamps or something time related? 
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Author Project: Symbiosis Animation

Here is our animation.

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The Symbiosis Manifesto Menifestation

For more detail see a spring of teals

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robotic drawing

YouTube - Humanoid robot drawing portraits
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I was told by a friend to look at these sites that have mentioned some of my work.

FROM BESTARIO and http://intweetion.tumblr.com/

Thankyou for your support. I am very encouraged.
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We have decided to come up with our own patterns and then combine them on the computer, try our as many different combinations as is necessary to en-suite find something suitable for rendering into a screen print.

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seeing time: Time ensign

We are currently working of how to make our manifesto following our detailed discussions about the concepts of what we each represent and why we need to do what we are doing, justify our course of action and finalize the draft of this declaration. These are my TIME images. Our collective research/processes/decisions and plans can be found on the SYMBIOSIS BLOG.

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What is a field?/Mapps/Environments

The laws of physics cannot depend upon the the uniform motion of the observer. What works in one persons view must work in others, or rather things will exhibit them selves regardless of what frames of reference they are observed in, if a pattern is observed, it can be turned into a law. Thats a good thing to think about when thinking of the environment 'time' exhibits or inhibits. Field lines are particularly good to look at when thinking about environment.

When there are changes in magnetic field due to to things like the sun's orbit, rotation and internal activity, the plasma follows the directions of the change along lines of force (magnetic field lines). These make nice pictures and solar flares.

Representing data with images is great! Maps tell us about our environments. A cartographers friends might be a key (where you can find what symbols used to identify things or places people are very likely to need, like a toilet or a campsite are.)
 Field lines and statistics are similarly very important to the cartographer. The delight in the aesthetics I think is in conjunction with knowledge from observation. These are all from the Agile Rabbit map book CD. Thankyou Agile Rabbit book and CD. 

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Playing around with my TIME face picture. Ideas/practice for arrangements for TIME part of the SYMBIODINIUM manifesto.

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Visual Terminology

All the things we experience visually effect us in some way. If you ignore something although you are aware of it, you choose that its presence is irrelevant to yours. Whilst if you don't notice something is there, that is a bit different.  
I came across some books about 20th century engineering in the library while looking for books on natural disasters in the early moments of this project. That, and the earlier work I did about the Bernd and Hilla Becher have made me see something very exciting in architecture and now I am not neglecting to identify primary forms in their designs in everyday buildings. This emphasizes the physical strengths of certain structures in buildings. Here are some of the pictures I liked.

The presence of fundamental regular platonic solids in the designs of some of these structures reveals the practicality of some shapes. The shapes are also simple and simple shapes are calming to look at. We used quite a lot of basic shapes in our costumes and drawings. This result is perhaps connected to the fact that we illustrated our primary needs. As a group we represent things that are quite elementary and universally applicable. Not only to us as individuals.